Team Members

Kedan Xin

I am a senior student majoring in Electrical Engineering at Iowa State University. I am interested in VLSI and electronic system design. My role in this project is hardware designing and testing. I am also in charge of making 3D model of our prototype.

Yue Chen

I am an Electrical Engineering Student at Iowa State University, with a particular interest in the power distribution system and renewable energy. My role in our project team is hardware designing, testing, troubleshooting and team schedule coordinating.

Sarah Baratta

Currently an undergraduate and senior at Iowa State University, I am majoring in Electrical Engineering, my main interest being in very-large-scale integration (VLSI) and a growing interest in computer engineering. My role in the project is communications and hardware. I am responsible for scheduling and documenting meetings with our client and adviser, and I also have a bigger contribution to hardware-related components of the project.

Zixiao Lu

I am an undergraduate student in Computer Engineering, with a focus in Embedded systems. I have numerous project development experiences. My role in the project is to overlook software components.

Yifei Wang

I am an undergraduate student in Electrical Engineering, with a focus in automatic control systems. I am also working as a research assistant in magnetic research group. My role in the project is both software and hardware related.